Come and film in Vicenza! Download the regional law about the fund for movies

Vicenza Film Commission is an organization funded by Vicenzaè to promote the image of Vicenza all over the world. Vicenza Film Commission aims to promote the city and the province, in order to attract Italian and foreign filming productionsand at the same time develop the filming industry in the province by building new business chances.

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Vicenza Film Commission

Vicenza Film Commission is an organization funded by Vicenzaè to promote the image of Vicenza all over the world.
Vicenza Film Commission aims to promote the city and the province, in order to attract Italian and foreign filming productionsand at the same time develop the filming industry in the province by building new business chances.

Download the regional law about the fund for movies

Vicenza Film Commission on Facebook

Vicenza Film Commission - official website

Watch the trailer of Kambakkht Ishq - Incredible love


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and its province.

Contact us

Consorzio Turistico Vicenza è -  Vicenza Film Commission
Via Montale 25, 36100 Vicenza - Italy

Phone: +39 0444 99 47 70

Our Facebook page